Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cut Copy - Take Me Over

Not 100% sure about this one. Cut Copy is one of those bands that I've always liked but there was always something  I couldn't quite connect with. I think this song is the one that made the penny drop. It's Dan, the vocalist (keyboard/guitarist). Although he has had some great moments, he's just not a great singer, and his voice just isn't that nice to listen to.  His song writing skills and mastery of all things synth-pop-electro etc etc is fantastic, it's just his lethargic, nasally vocals don't sit very well with me, and I'm not sure why. Lack of range perhaps, maybe a lack of confidence and a hesitance to test it's limits. I think that may be the one thing holding Cut Copy back.
I can't help be reminded of Upstation's song 'Take Me Out' where they're doing basically the same thing, only better...  see below.

No disrespect to Cut Copy tough, this song is a good one, just not a great one. I certainly don't think it will make their Greatest Hits album if they ever do one, amongst their greater tracks like 'Lights & Music', 'Hearts on Fire' and 'That was just a Dream'.
They did mention that this song was 'certainly one of the more pop moments on the album', so let's hope there's plenty of 'less-pop moments' to counter it.
I'm sure this album will be a cracker and I'll definitely be checking it out either way as Cut Copy are still Cut Copy and they know how to blow shit up.

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