Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maximum Balloon - Groove Me ft Theophilus London

Dope song. Tight Film clip. Silly name. Maximum Balloon? Maybe there's some cool inside joke that I'm not getting or something but I think it's a very sub-standard name for a band. But hey, that's just me. I mean, if you're a member of TV on the Radio, you can do whatever the hell you want.

Dang so much cool music comes out of Brooklyn. TVOTR, Santogold, MGMT, Bishop Allen, Matt & Kim, just to name a few. I sort-of attempted to get out there when I was staying in NYC this year to check it out, as Williamsburg is apparently a hub of creativity and is home to the Music Hall as well, which is arguably one of the best venues in the US, or so I've read. Maybe next year.

I heard this one today for the first time, after hearing a few of MB's other tracks over the last few months and being impressed. I wanted to wait and see if the rest of his work had as much cool, and so far it's looking pretty chill. It's got a similar sound (or mash-together of various different sounds) to TV or the Radio, bringing together live guitar and drums and slipping lots of electronics bleeps and buzzes. What can I say- I dig it.

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