Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sebastien Tellier - Kilometer (A-Trak Remix)

So, a couple years ago a French dude calling himself Sebastien Tellier released an album aptly titled Sexuality. Every song on that album was, indeed, very f**king sexy. Seriously, throw that thing on and get to fondling, you'll see what I mean. Anyways, my favourite song on the album was 'Kilometer' and I thought 'never will I ever listen to a remix of this song because never could this song ever get any better and anyone who tries to touch will just ruin it' and so on and so forth.
I reluctantly phased it out of my 'Nusic' playlists and placed the album up among Modest Mouse's 'Were Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank' and Daniel Merriweather's 'Love & War' in the Classic Albums of 2008 cortex of my brain, only to be whipped out from time to time and I forgot about my little 'never will I ever listen to a remix' thing, when I heard there was a whole album of Sexuality remixes. I quickly bought it, threw it on and proceeded to burn one down when along came ((( THIS))). A-Traks Kilometer remix absolutely exploded my mindfield. It was racy, jumpy, but still so goddamned sexy. I don't know how he keeps doing it but A-Trak has quickly become my new favourite remixmaster, espacially after he did this   with Yeah Yeah Yeah's 'Heads Will Roll'.
Get into it. 

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